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The Pettywell Solar Farm development has been reviewed in detail. This included the Public Consultation, Developer Web Site, Screening Application, the Planning Application, Environmental Impact report, many background documents, and the wider view of solar power developments.

This is summary of the findings.

If you have been thinking that Pettywell Solar represents an altruistic, cheap, green, safe, renewable energy project which will increase biodiversity on fields where sheep may safely graze and it can all be removed in 40 years to leave land which is improved for farming – think again.

The power generated will cost the consumer the current commercial rate. The carbon footprint of the proposed plant is significant and includes mining, manufacturing and transport. The battery storage is not inherently safe but prone to uncontrollable explosive fires with highly toxic plumes. The land will be unsuitable for skylarks and bats and only 3% of it will be sown as wild flower meadow – the rest will be grass. Sheep cannot graze the land as their output would contaminate water downhill – damaging wildlife reserves.The original prime farmland will be degenerated over time and decommissioning process will involve digging up tons of concrete and recycling 90,000 panels. In 40 years the site is far more likely to be ‘brownfield’ and ready for further development. At any time this investment asset could be sold on the open market – who would own our ‘power security’ then?

The planning application has now been lodged and we/the public have until 2nd February to make your comments