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Some pertinent quotations from across the web...


Lithium Fires

Data collated from state fire departments indicate that more than 450 fires across Australia have been linked to lithium-ion batteries in the past 18 months – and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) recently put out an issues paper calling for input on how to improve battery safety


New Technology

An Oxford-based technology firm has developed a new solar panel technology to raise solar power efficiency levels close to 28%. This is a significant leap from the previous efficiency levels of below 20%. With higher efficiency, these panels will also require less area for installation, making them ideal for small rooftops.


Thermal Runaway

The major issue with lithium-ion batteries overheating is a phenomenon known as thermal runaway. In this process, the excessive heat promotes the chemical reaction that makes the battery work, thus creating even more heat and ever more chemical reactions in a disastrous spiral


Fire service

Scott Donegan, a West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service area manager, said: "One of the concerns we do have is they are new to regulation, and as a fire service we're not a statutory consultee.

"We do encourage providers of these types of sites to engage with us early because we want to ensure that they are well managed and have robust emergency plans in place."

BBC online

Farm income source

For landowners, solar farms are an impressive source of income. In our experience, we’ve seen that they can pay dividends for the entire lifetime of a lease. And when you consider that an average lease can last up to 40 years? Well, it’s no surprise that landowners want a piece of the pie.

Lumify Energy

Battery Fires 2

A US database, listing fires at BESS sites found 63 examples worldwide since 2011

BBC Online

Experts ignored

Some of these cases had been held up for months before I arrived in the department. They were put on my desk on Monday and I've made a decision in three days. This is the speed we're working at to achieve energy independence, cut bills for families and kickstart green economic growth

Ed Miliband

Location, location, location

Being relatively close to an existing site can be a massive benefit  if you want a solar farm on your land. This is a minor point of  consideration for landowners, as the responsibility for securing  planning permission lies with the developer. But if a site close to  yours has already secured planning permission, subsequent projects are  far more likely to go ahead.

Lumify Energy

Battery Fires

On 15 September 2020, a fire at a BESS site in Liverpool took 59 hours to extinguish, and created a "significant blast", Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service said.

BBC online

Farm rental for solar

Either way, the general industry quote for renting lands for solar farms  is around £1000 per acre. With the average lease lasting between 25 and  30 years at minimum, it’s an excellent and reliable source of income  for the project’s duration

Lumify Energy