The Planning Application for this massive Solar Power Plant was submitted just in before Christmas - under Reference 2024/3676.
The local Planning Department will consider this application over the coming months and it will be taking account of Public Opinion.
Any member of the public can give their opinion during the public consultation period
You have until 30th March to have your say!
If you have an opinion please post/email it to the planning department or make an online comment.
This development is too big - with a footprint which is larger than Reepham - and it permanently industrialises a large swathe of our local countryside
The Solar Plant will be build on prime ( 'Best and most Versatile') farmland reducing our food security and it will never be fit for farming again - it will become 'brownfield'
There will be glint and glare from this huge array of panels which will be visible for miles around including 1.5 miles of Marriots Way
There will be a negative impact on local wildlife in terms of habitat loss and environmental changes
There will be a 2 acre, 40MW power storage system containing lithium-ion batteries in shipping containers. This technology can suffer from thermal runaway and if a fire starts it is impossible to extinguish. Toxic products from such a fire would spread far and wide
This page includes quotes taken from the application along with considered responses based on the paperwork and research. The original response date was 18th Jan but this has been extended
You can find contact links below or write to;
Planning, The Horizon Centre, Broadland Business Park, Peachman Way, Norwich NR7 0WF
Using the reference 2024/3676
You can also submit your comments on-line at
You will need to create a personal login, then go to the Planning page and search for 2024/3676 and you will be able to add your comment to the document list. BEWARE - the Broadland login and Planning Login are different and it is easy to mix up the passwords!
Comments are limited to 2500 characters
Or you can send your comment directly by email;